I help you Transform your life into a beautiful story of overcoming, healing, and growth.

through self-discovery, aligned goals, and intentional self-care, I'll help you step into new and better chapters in life.

With a gift for transforming emotional baggage into gold, I share step-by-step guidance on how to alchemize toxic wounds of shame and unworthiness into healthy expressions of acceptance and unconditional love.

Through a blend of modern science and ancient spiritual wisdom, my holistic approach empowers you to create a healthier, wealthier you—inside and out!

Hi, I'm Jessica Flint!

Whether you’re struggling with the worst heartbreak of your life, body shame, Food struggles, money scarcity, or family trauma, I’ve been there…

It's a painfully hard place to be.

I felt imprisoned by my past. Doomed to keep repeating the same patterns over and over again.

The struggle to break free took me on a healing spiritual journey — to rewrite my shame stories, connect to my inherent worth and goodness, heal generational trauma, and ultimately...


I found my roar and refuse to let the past hold me back from a fulfilling life, one where I prioritize my true self, needs, and values.

app + website sessions


revenue received


 students served


my healing track record

With nothing more than passion, a laptop and a vision, I created Rise Up, a top-ranked behavioral tracking app, and Recovery Warriors, a world-class community for eating disorder recovery, that collectively touched millions of lives.





Joy & Fun



A woman that is driven by her





Joy & Fun



A woman that is driven by her

I commit to things I care about

Feeling seen, heard & loved



Reparenting is the gentle process of healing old wounds with nourishing love. This means providing ourselves the empathy, safety, validation, and stability we may have longed for early in life or been painfully left without.

By nurturing "Little Me", I become a loving guardian to myself and take responsibility for my healing process. 

As we gently rewrite the programming of early emotional wounds, we stop abandoning ourselves and falling into self-sabotaging patterns. Instead, we become mindful of our core needs, meet them with compassionate care, and see ourselves through the eyes of unconditional acceptance and love.

creativity & Authenticity



For so many of us, fear rules our lives.

We fear that if we speak our truth, we will lose support and end up alone.

We fear that if we show the world who we truly are, we will get laughed at, rejected and ridiculed.

And perhaps the most innocent fear of all is that our creativity and unique self-expression do not matter, unless it pays the bills or we're the best of the best.

These fears stifle our joy. When we dare to show up as our true selves, we not only break free from the chains of fear but also inspire others to do the same. By embracing our unique self, we drop the mask, meet our muse, and unlock life’s true magic.

Acceptance & confidence

body freedom


I spent the past 25 years hiding myself away because of a hormonal condition that leads to excess facial hair in women.

It's been hard to live with body features that society tells us are wrong, gross, or unattractive.

I choose to no longer let my natural body and all it's quirky imperfections be a source of shame that separates me from intimacy and belonging.

It takes vulnerability and bravery to break free from toxic societal expectations and be our natural selves unapologetically, truthfully, lovingly, and proudly.

kindness & generosity



I live for the "Ripple Effect," where a small act of kindness or guidance can create waves of positive change. To me, leaving someone better off than when I found them is the greatest mark of a life well-lived, a true testament to our purpose on this earth.

This philosophy applies to everyone and anyone I encounter. When I help one person turn their life around or simply brighten their day, I'm not just helping them—I'm influencing the lives of everyone they touch.

For me, being an instrument of the Divine means using my light to inspire and empower others, so they too can become beacons of change, spreading their own ripples of transformation throughout the world.


Let's Love & Learn together

Here for healing and growth?